Links Primary School

Friday 12th January 2024

Dear Links Families,


Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you refreshed and ready for an exciting start to 2024. As we embark on this new year together, we extend a warm welcome back to all our students and their families.

We would like to welcome our new families, who have just joined us and extend a warm welcome to our new student teachers, who will be joining Links team, for the Spring term. 

It has been a busy but cold week at Links. Our Year 5 children completed a week of swimming, our new children in Nursery have had an exciting time making friends and our new clubs have started after school. Next week, the children in Reception and Year 2 will be going to Wimbledon Library to watch their previously cancelled panto.  And Little Links Playgroup will be restarting on Tuesday 16th January at 9am. 


Links Values Award

Our Links Value this half term in respect. Everyone at Links is valued for who they are, wherever they come from. We know that respect builds feelings of trust, safety and well-being so we create an atmosphere of mutual respect, where we value ourselves, each other and our environment.


This week’s Values Awards go to; 

  • Nursery - Paris for listening to her teachers and showing respect.
  • Rainbow and Sunshine - The whole year group for their brilliant attitude to learning and an excellent first week back 
  • 1EJ- Georgiana for her perseverance and determination when adding to 20 in Maths.
  • 1W- Mia for trying hard with her learning this week. Well done!
  • 2B- Pawel for his continuous effort and dedication to improve his writing skills. 
  • 2T - Umar for a more focused approach to learning.
  • 3B- Isaac for a brilliant start to the new term.
  • 3P- Raihan for always being ready to learn and taking pride in his work
  • 4M -Sarah for always demonstrating kindness and respect to others. 
  • 4T -  Shyal for always demonstrating the Links values around the school. 
  • 5KG- Jordan for being resilient and overcoming his fears at swimming.
  • 5KG - Abdullah for being a good friend and encouraging them when they were scared.
  • 5M- Zainool for showing a great effort in the swimming lessons 
  • 6G- Ava-Jean for her descriptive writing in Quick Write.
  • 6M - Mohamed for a noticeable improvement in concentration and output in lessons this week.


Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!


House Points

In the previous Links News we mentioned a fault with our house points programme. This has been resolved and on Tuesday Yellow House had their overdue reward of an extra long playtime.


The competition has reset and the children are eager to collect lots of house points. 

As of this week the totals are: 

Yellow House - 4160

Red House - 4104

Green House - 3949

Blue House - 3731



Weekly Attendance 

This week’s attendance figures for each class are:

  • Rainbow - 91.8%
  • Sunshine - 89.8%
  • 1EJ - 92.3%
  • 1W - 96.9%
  • 2B - 85%
  • 2T - 90.2%
  • 3B - 93.5%
  • 3P - 95.7%
  • 4M - 97.4%
  • 4T - 85.3%  
  • 5KG - 89%
  • 5M - 93.2%
  • 6G - 84.2%
  • 6M  - 96.9 %   


Congratulations to 4M who achieved the highest attendance this week. Lincoln the Bear will be spending the next week Year 4, learning about their new topic ‘Antarctica’.


This weeks 95% tickets go to 1W, 3P, 4M and 6M. All classes with a weekly attendance of 95% or more will receive a raffle ticket. 

With very best wishes,


Natalie, Vicki and the Links Team