Links Primary School


Links News - 10th February 2023

Dear Links families,


I can’t believe we are already half way through the academic year- it’s flown by so far!


Headteacher Recruitment

Here is a quick update from Catherine Skinner, our Chair of Governors, on the process of recruiting a new headteacher:


The deadline for applications for the role of headteacher has now passed and we have received a good response with a high calibre of applications. Interviews will take place after half term and we will let you know the outcome soon after that.



I know I say it nearly every week, but I cannot emphasise enough how important it is that children are in school every day. Evidence shows that children who are persistently absent (less than 90% attendance) have lower levels of attainment at the end of KS2 than other children. Of those who were persistently absent, 40.2% achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compared to 83.9% of pupils with no missed sessions and 71.9% who missed between 0 and 5%.

For this reason, I am unable to authorise any leave of absence, except in very exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised leaves of absence are likely to result in a fine being issued, which is £120 per parent per child.


I know there’s been a lot of illness going around this week, but please do remember, if your child has a runny nose or a slight cough, it’s fine to send them in. We will call you if they get worse and need picking up.


Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class:

  • Morning Nursery- 83.7%
  • Afternoon Nursery- 72.3%
  • Full-time Nursery- 78.4%
  • Rainbow- 88.5%
  • Sunshine- 93.9%
  • 1EJ- 83%
  • 1P- 92.6%
  • 2B- 94.5%
  • 2T- 96.7%
  • 3B- 90.5%
  • 3P- 87.5%
  • 4M- 89%
  • 4T- 89.6%
  • 5D- 95.5%
  • 5KT- 97.4%
  • 6G- 100%
  • 6M- 98.9%


A huge well done to 6G for their 100% attendance this week!



We’ve had a lot of comings and goings this week, with three year groups out on educational visits in the past week. Last Friday, Year 6 went to the British Museum to support their work in history on the Maya civilization. Yesterday, Year 5 also went to the British Museum as part of their work on Ancient Greece. They got to look at genuine artefacts and thought about what they could tell us about the past.


Also this week, Year 1 have been to Fulham Palace for a workshop to support their work about toys. While they were there they had the chance to handle toys from the past and compared them to present day toys.



Last Friday, a group of children from Year 1 and 2 got their first taste of representing the school in a sports event as they took part in a multiskills festival at Harris Academy Merton. They took part in a variety of game and activities and they’ve told me they had a great time. Well done to Lithiya (1P), Harlem (2T), Maram (2B), Anais (2B) and Eleazar (1EJ) for representing the school so well.


Extended Services

Booking is now open for breakfast and after school club for next half term. If you would like to book a place, please complete this form. Please note that all booked places will be charged for.


Values Awards

Another great week for Values Awards, with five being awarded in whole school assembly this morning. Congratulations to Azra (2T), Zara (3P), Tashfeen (5D), Veselina (6M) and Jaziba (6G)


House Points

A huge well done to Green house, who have come from third place last week to take the lead in the house competition.

  • Green- 3851
  • Red- 3654
  • Blue- 3506
  • Yellow- 3438


Earthquake Appeal

A huge thank you to everyone who has made a donation following the devastating earthquakes earlier this week in Turkey and Syria. I’m overwhelmed by the generosity of the Links community; our DT room is absolutely full of nappies, baby food, blankets, clothes and so much more. Thank you so much!


Mrs Kilic, one of our midday supervisors, is a member of the local Turkish community and will be collecting your donations later today. She is working with members of the community to make sure that everything gets to the areas most in need as quickly as possible.


Finally, I hope you all have a wonderful half term, whatever you are doing. School reopens to all children on Monday 20th February.


Best wishes,


Lee and the Links Team