Links Primary School

Links News - 10th March 2023

Dear Links families,


What a blustery end to the week, although I enjoyed hearing the children’s tales of using their umbrellas as parachutes on the way to school this morning! Let’s hope spring will finally put in an appearance soon.


Parents’ Evening

First of all, a big thank you to those of you who were able to make it to parents’ evening this week, either in person or virtually. I know the teachers really value the opportunity to talk to you about how your children are progressing. If you weren’t able to make it to parents’ evening, please arrange a time to speak with your child’s teacher, either in person or over the phone. To make an appointment, speak to the teacher in the playground, call the school office or email


NEU Strike Action

Yesterday I wrote to you all to let you know that Links will be closed to most children next Wednesday and Thursday (15th and 16th March.) Some of our classes will be open and I have written to the parents of those classes to let them know. If your child’s class is open, they must attend school even if their sibling’s class is closed. I realise this is a difficult and disruptive situation, but the DfE are beginning to engage with the unions and I can only hope that the government will begin to take seriously the issues that I have outlined in my previous letters.


Values Awards

I was so proud to award a whopping fifteen certificates in assembly today, the most I have ever handed out. It was great to read out the reasons the children received their awards, ranging from showing resilience in maths and always looking out for their friends to making everyone happy with their infectious smile! A huge well done to the following children:

  • Martha (5KT)
  • Ava (5KT)
  • Ayman (Rainbow)
  • Aizah (6G)
  • Anas (5D)
  • Ranuga (6M)
  • Angelina (6M)
  • Akshayan (Sunshine)
  • Adeena (4M)
  • Jaishan (4M)
  • Apollo (3B)
  • Rosabela (2B)
  • Julian (1EJ)
  • Nathan (3P)
  • Maya (2T)



As mentioned in last week's Links News, we are excited to be opening our playscheme during the Easter holidays. We are pleased to let you know that bookings have now opened. Playscheme is open to all children in Reception to Year 6. If your child is in Nursery and they regularly attend Breakfast or After School Club, they are welcome to attend. If you would like to book a place, please complete this form. All information regarding dates, timings, prices and activities can be found on the form. Please note, while places are limited, the ability to run the playscheme requires a minimum number of children to attend. If we do not reach that minimum we may have to consider not running the playscheme on certain days. Booking will close next Friday, 17th March at 9am. If you have any questions, please speak to Raphel.

Red Nose Day

Next Friday, 17th March will be Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day and this year, we would like the children to dress for joy! This could be wearing bright colours, silly socks, wearing a costume that makes you smile or even being as comfy as possible. I realise that times are tough for many people right now, but if you are in a position to do so we would really appreciate any donations to this very worthwhile cause. Members of our school council will be on the gates at the start of the day to collect donations.


House Points

Well done to Yellow house, who have come from 4th place to take the lead this week!

  • Yellow - 4334
  • Green - 4271
  • Red - 4255
  • Blue - 3947


PTA Update

The PTA have asked me to pass on a plea for volunteers to help out at events. They would really love to get more parents, carers and families involved. They’re not asking for huge time commitments, but whatever time you’re able to spare they’d be really grateful for. The PTA are also really keen to help us sort out the maze area and are looking for volunteers who might be willing to help out on a Saturday morning. If you’re able to help with anything, please send an email to them at



Congratulations to 4M for having the highest attendance this week- I know they are really looking forward to having Lincoln in their class for the next week.


Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class:

  • Morning Nursery- 84.7%
  • Afternoon Nursery- 77.1%
  • Full-time Nursery- 81%
  • Rainbow- 91.4%
  • Sunshine- 94.4%
  • 1EJ- 89.2%
  • 1P- 92.3%
  • 2B- 94.9%
  • 2T- 93.3%
  • 3B- 92.5%
  • 3P- 92.1%
  • 4M- 97.5%
  • 4T- 83.3%
  • 5D- 96.5%
  • 5KT- 78.4%
  • 6G- 95.7%
  • 6M- 93%


I am really pleased to see that attendance has improved in most classes this week, but we’re still some way off reaching our target of 95%. Remember- every day counts!


I also just want to mention punctuality as I am concerned by the number of children arriving late to school at the moment. The children have a ten minute window, from 8:40-8:50, to arrive at school. Any time after this, your child will receive a late mark. The start of the day is a really important time as it sets the children up for the day. Learning also starts the moment the children enter the classroom. If a child is 5 minutes late every day, this equates to nearly 16 hours lost learning over the course of a school year.


Extended Services

Booking is open for breakfast and after school club for this half term. If you would like to book a place, please complete this form. Please note that all booked places will be charged for.


Have a lovely weekend,


Lee and the Links Team