Links Primary School

Links News - 14th October 2022

Dear Links families,


It’s been a busy week this week and there’s lots to celebrate in this week’s Links News.


School Council

This year, for the first time in a few years, we have elected school councillors. All of the children who wanted to become a school councillor made a short speech to their class and each class then held a secret ballot to decide a winner. The school council meets regularly with Miss Meara to discuss school issues and to suggest ways to make school an even better place. Congratulations to the following children, who have been elected to represent their class:

  • 1EJ- Kara
  • 1P- Aiden
  • 2B- Rosa
  • 2T- Lyla
  • 3B- Ramla
  • 3P- Elsa
  • 4M- Anniah
  • 4T- Elsie
  • 5KT- Hibba
  • 5D- Zayn
  • 6G- Dhilkrish
  • 6M- Armaan


Merton Cross Country Championships

This Monday, 56 children from across Key Stage 2 went to Morden Park to take part in the Merton Cross Country Championships. As we have done for many years, Links helped out on the day with sorting out all of the results and placings; this year, I was joined by two former Links headteachers, Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. Taylor. The children had to run two laps of the field, which was about a mile. They all put in a great effort, but special mentions must go to Juno in 3P, who came 10th in the Year 3 girls’ race, and Aaron in 3P who came 3rd in the Year 3 boys’ race. We’re very proud of you.


Young Writers

Every year, Links children take part in the Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers Competition. The theme of 2022’s competition was ‘The Tree.’ I am really pleased that we were able to submit so many entries this year, and even more pleased that some of the children received awards. Elsa in Year 3 was Highly Commended for her piece and received a copy of the book with her story in it as did Sam, who is now in Year 7. We also had a number of children whose pieces were Commended by the judges. Well done to Anniah and Abdullah in Year 4, Martha R in Year 5, Alesha in Year 6 and Nana, who is now in Year 7.


Values Award

Well done to Mia in 2T who received a Values Award this week. Mrs Trounce said that Mia is always a responsible member of the class. Well done Mia!

Year 4 British Museum

Yesterday, Year 4 went off on their travels to the British Museum to learn more about their history topic, the ancient Egyptians. While they were there they went to an interactive presentation about the mummification process. They also had the chance to explore many of the museum's treasures. There were lots of excited tales of the day when they returned to school!

Little Links

We are very excited to announce the return of the Little Links Playgroup for children under 4 years old and their parents/carers. Little Links will take place every Tuesday morning during term time from 9:30am-10:30am. We are asking for a £1 contribution and tea and coffee will be available. Our first session will be on Tuesday 1st November 2022. Please arrive via the main school gate on Frinton Road. 


Black History Month

For this year’s Black History Month we are focusing on ‘Local Heroes’- inspirational people from London. Every year group is focusing on a different person and will be writing something about, or inspired by, them. Earlier this week, I was lucky to be in a Year 4 lesson where I learnt all about Loyle Carner, a hip hop artist from Croydon who has ADHD and has set up a cookery school for other young people with ADHD. 


On Monday, we will be welcoming Councillor Joan Henry, the mayor of Merton, to school to find out more about her and her role.


Extended Services

If you would like to book a place for breakfast or after school club, please use this form. Don’t forget that all booked places will be charged for. We will be sending out the form for next half term in next week’s Links News.

All About Us

Hello! I am Miss Maxwell and this is my first year teaching at Links! I have only been living in London for a short time, I used to live in Essex, and have been loving it. This is my fourth year teaching and first year in Year 6. Alongside teaching, I have a passion for Music, I play the piano and the saxophone and lead singing assemblies on the top floor at Links! In my spare time I enjoy attending and performing in concerts, plus I love going to the theatre when I can!


Christmas Cards

Today your child will bring home their Christmas card design, which you will be able to buy by completing the order form on the back. This is a great way to raise money for the school.

If you would like to purchase cards or anything else on the form, please make sure that you return the card and order form to school along with the money in a named envelope by Thursday 20th October. 


Bikes and scooters

It’s great to see so many children cycling and scooting to school. With scooters in particular, please make sure that they are clearly named- as many of them look so similar, there have been a couple instances recently of the wrong scooter being taken home. Over the weekend, please check any scooters at home to see if they belong to another child. Please also remember that bikes and scooters are parked at school at your own risk.


Half Term

I can’t believe half term is almost upon us! The last day for the children will be Thursday 20th October as Friday 21st October is an inset day. We look forward to welcoming all of the children back to school on Monday 31st October.

Have a lovely weekend.


Lee and the Links Team