Links News- 16th June, 2023
Friday 16th June, 2023
Dear Links families,
As you know it’s been a warm week, but despite this, the children have continued to be focused and worked hard on their learning at school this week. As always, thank you for the way in which you support your children’s education.
Sports Day
It was great to see so many of you at Sports Day on what was a great community event for our school. A particular thank you goes to Mr Grace who coordinated the whole event so successfully.
I appreciate that the heat made this a challenge for some of our children and as always we will continue to look at ways in which we can continue to make sure that all children have a positive experience of such special events.
I would also like to thank those parents who helped, especially those at the water station.
Hot Weather Reminder
As the warm weather looks set to continue, please make sure that your child has a hat with them when they come to school as well as a water bottle which can be refilled at school. We would also like to remind you to apply sunscreen, where appropriate, to your children before coming to school.
Message from the PTA
We are having another maze clearing session at the school tomorrow (Saturday June 17th) at 10am for two hours. If you are free and would like to help for a hour, that would be lovely.
Links Values Award
A big well done to Anais (2B) for demonstrating the Links Values of Resilience and Pride.
House Points
Blue House has continued their winning streak, this week.
This week’s results are;
- Blue- 8476
- Yellow- 8217
- Green- 7992
- Red- 7906
Congratulations to 3P, who had this week's highest attendance. Lincoln is excited to be spending next week them.
Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class:
- Morning Nursery- 84.2%
- Afternoon Nursery- 79.5%
- Full-time Nursery- 92.7%
- Rainbow- 93%
- Sunshine- 89%
- 1EJ- 95.8%
- 1P- 97.4%
- 2B- 96.7%
- 2T- 95.5%
- 3B- 94.7%
- 3P- 98.3%
- 4M- 98%
- 4T-95%
- 5D- 95%
- 5KT- 90.5%
- 6G- 95.2%
- 6M- 97%
If your child is absent from school, please make sure that you report the reason for your child’s absence- if you don’t we are unable to authorise the absence. The easiest way to do this is via the free Studybugs app.
Extended Services
You can book a Breakfast or After School Club place via the school website. Just click on the Extended Service tab at the top of our website page.
Martin Roughley
(Executive Headteacher)