Links Primary School

Links News - 1st December 2023

Friday 1st December 2023


Dear Links Families,

Another Friday has come around very quickly and we’re now into the month of December. Preparations are in full swing for the various performances that will be happening over the next few weeks. Of course, the children will be continuing their learning in the classroom during this time.

The weather has clearly turned colder so we would please remind you to ensure that children come to school with a coat and hats, scarves and gloves etc. if necessary. As always, please make sure that any items of clothing have your child’s name on.

If you have any questions regarding the school uniform, please call or email the school and we will be happy to help. We have joined forces with who make child friendly name tags for you to simply stick on their uniform. Every time you buy form My Nametags, the school will receive funding towards new resources. Simply add the school’s ID number when purchasing. Links ID: 18037


Governing Body

You will have received a letter earlier today from our Chair of Governors, Catherine Skinner, informing you that she is standing down from her role. On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to express our gratitude for the time and commitment she has put into the role over the last few years. She has skilfully and carefully steered the school through a period of uncertainty and I know that the Governing Body will very much miss her calm and measured leadership. We are delighted that Justyn Herbert has agreed to return to a role that he has previously held, and we know he will bring great knowledge and experience to this very important position.


Christmas Fair

We are very excited that next Friday the PTA will be hosting our annual Christmas Fair. The Fair will be in the bottom floor hall 3:30pm-5:00pm. Join us for festive fun! There will be a soft toy and chocolate tombola, a lucky dip, refreshments plus much more and a chance to meet Santa himself! If you have any soft toys (clean and in good condition) that you would like to donate to the Christmas Fair, please bring them in to school on Monday.

Tickets for our Christmas Raffle are on sale now! Tickets cost £2.00 each. Just click on our Links Primary School PTA Donation Page to buy your tickets. The raffle will be drawn next Friday at the Christmas Fair.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Christmas/ Winter Themed Cards Reminder

Just a reminder that all orders need to be completed online by Sunday 3rd December. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.


School Photos

This week the children have brought home an index card with a QR code so that you can see the photos and make your order online. Like the cards, the deadline for ordering is midnight on Sunday 3rd December. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.


Links Values Award

This week’s Values Awards go to;

  • Nursery - Nina for always being a kind and thoughtful friend and for trying her best.

  • Rainbow - Hamza for a positive attitude towards his learning.

  • Sunshine - Mohra for being a resilient learner.

  • 1EJ- Rayah for a brilliant attitude in the Nativity rehearsal and for showing pride.

  • 1W- Amarah for being a kind and caring friend.

  • 2B- Celeste for showing resilience in completing her reading activity.

  • 2T- Luca for being a resilient learner.

  • 2T - Julian for working hard and staying focused.

  • 3B- Erica for showing resilience and for working hard. .

  • 3P- Majjadin for working hard in maths ann being resilient.

  • 4M - Zara for consistently demonstrating Links Values at all times.

  • 4T - Ayaan for showing such responsibility in his new role, you have made Miss Thurlow smile!

  • 5KG- Meg for having laser focus every day!

  • 5M- Alex for working hard in every subject.

  • 6G- Sumaya for pleasing progress in maths.

  • 6M - Ahmad for super dedication to improving his handwriting - keep it up!

Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!


House Points

Congratulations to Red House who have maintained their lead.

  • Red - 2784

  • Yellow - 2694

  • Blue - 2682

  • Green - 2602

Weekly Attendance

This week in assembly we launched a new initiative. Every week, all classes with an attendance of 95% or higher will receive a raffle ticket. At the end of the half term, one ticket will get selected at random. The winning class will receive a mystery treat such as, a movie and popcorn, hot chocolate tea party, a mini disco and more ideas to come with help from the children's class reps.

This week 2T, 2B, 1W and Rainbow class each received a raffle ticket.

Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class.

  • Rainbow - 98.4%

  • Sunshine - 91.3%

  • 1EJ - 88.1%

  • 1W - 97.5%

  • 2B - 96.9%

  • 2T - 96.6%

  • 3B -94%

  • 3P -92.9%

  • 4M -94.8%

  • 4T - 88.2%

  • 5KG - 93%

  • 5M - 89.8%

  • 6G - 86.8%

  • 6M - 83.8%

Congratulations to Rainbow Class in Reception who achieved the highest attendance this week with 98.4%. Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in the reception, learning about Autumn animals and listening to them practise for the Christmas Sing Song.


Have a lovely weekend and wrap warm

The Links Team