Links Primary School

Dear Links Families,


Another school year has gone by and we’re about to take a summer break. It’s been another busy year at Links with a lot going on and it was great to see so many of you at last week’s ‘Summer Social’. Despite the poor weather it was a great event and I would like to thank the members of the PTA for their hard work.

It’s certainly been a challenging year regarding the uncertainty around the leadership of the school. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Links and I am absolutely thrilled to be staying here on a longer time basis. 

The children have worked hard this year and many children have made excellent progress. I am particularly pleased to tell you that the Year 6 children performed extremely well in their SATs with their results in Reading and Maths being above the national average. Indeed the progress shown in Reading and Maths was significantly above the national average. Congratulations to the children and thank you to the staff for all their hard work.

The Y6 children also produced a wonderful performance of ‘Dream On’ last week. 

Many of our children have experienced several trips again this year, including our residential trips to Sayers Croft for Y4 children in June and PGL for Year 6 last September.

I would like to take this opportunity on your behalf to thank all the staff who are incredibly committed to ensuring that your children have the best possible experience at school.

For some of you, this may well be the end of your time at Links so we wish your children well as they move on to secondary school. Thank you for all your support over the last few years.

It just remains for me to wish you a great summer and I look forward to seeing you all in September. School will reopen on Wednesday 6th September 2023.




Summer Reading Challenge 2023 

Merton Libraries joined us for assembly to launch their Summer Reading Challenge, ‘Ready, Set, Read’.  Children can sign up at their local library to read six books this summer as part of the Summer Reading Challenge. Those who finish the challenge will receive a medal, a certificate and have a chance at winning one of many prizes (see link below).  We can already see an increase in children signing up to the Summer Reading Challenge this year, which is fantastic! The school with the highest percentage of completers (children which have read the 6 books) will also win a theatre performance for the school, so please keep encouragement up.

The Summer Reading Challenge launches on Saturday 8 July and runs until Saturday 9 September.  More information can be found on Merton’s Library website.


Links Values Awards


There were lots of Values Awards handed out in assembly today. Congratulations to Mia (RS), Rithvikaa (RS), Samuel (RP), Mia (RP), Nathan (RP), Johnny (4T) and to all of 5D.


Today in assembly the following Year 6 leavers were awarded the following Links Value Award. 


Respect - Zahra (6M) and Dhilkrish (6G)

Kindness- Mevyshen (6M) and Jaziba (6G)

Happiness - Imaan (6M) and Caterina (6G)

Resilience - Nadia (6M) and Candice (6G)

Responsibility- Gabriella (6M) and Hanishga (6G)

Pride- Aragsan (6M) and Elezay (6G)


House Points


And the results are in! The house which received the most house points this year are ………………RED HOUSE!!!!!.

Well done to red house and as a reward, they got the extra long double playtime today. 


This year’s results are;

  • Red- 9677
  • Blue- 9609
  • Green- 9223
  • Yellow- 9050




Here are this year’s attendance figures for each class:

  • Morning Nursery- 87.7%
  • Afternoon Nursery- 81.3%
  • Full-time Nursery- 90%
  • Rainbow- 87.7%
  • Sunshine- 89.8%
  • 1EJ- 89.9%
  • 1P- 92.3%
  • 2B- 92.4%
  • 2T- 92.4%
  • 3B- 94.3%
  • 3P- 93.1%
  • 4M- 94.8%
  • 4T-90.5%
  • 5D- 94.5%
  • 5KT- 90%
  • 6G- 92.8%
  • 6M- 94.7%


Congratulations to 4M, who had this year’s highest attendance. Lincoln is excited to be spending the first week in September with them in 5M. 

Extended Services


The Extended Services Team would like to thank all the parents and children for their support this year and wish them a lovely summer. 


Breakfast and After School Club will reopen on Wednesday 6th September. You can book a place via the school website. Just click on the Extended Service tab at the top of our website page.​ 

Martin Roughley 

(Executive Headteacher)