Links News- 22nd July 2022
Dear Links families,
And all of a sudden we have reached the end of the school year. It has been a busy year topped off by the hottest day ever in London. Thank you for all your support on Monday and Tuesday. We were very glad to be back to some level of normality on Wednesday.
As well as the goodbyes we said in last week’s Links News, we will be saying goodbye to Coach Christian our PE coach, who has taught across the school for the last year. We wish him well in his new ventures.
We will also be saying goodbye to Miss Lee. Miss Lee is a wonderful actress and singer and she is leaving to pursue a career in acting. We wish her well.
I know that some of our families are leaving Links today and moving to new homes in other parts of the country. We wish you all the very best for the future.
Summer holiday
The school is officially closed from 1:30 today. There is no after school club today. We look forward to welcoming all the current pupils back to school on Monday, 5th September. If you have a child starting new to Nursery you will have been sent your own individual start date.
Playscheme is running for the next three weeks and it is fully booked.
The school office will be open on Friday, 2nd September from 9am-11am for any specific queries before the start of the term.
School meals
We have been informed the price of school meals will be increasing in September to £2.40. All children in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a Free School Meal.
We will be continuing with the same school meal booking system in September.
EYFS Performance
Sorry we had to cancel the inperson performance on Monday due to the heat. The recorded performance will be available on Tapestry by the end of the day.
Jubilee Pudding Competition
This week Isaac (1EJ) and I finally baked the amazing Jubilee Pudding he designed ‘The Crown of Beauty’! He is an excellent baker, we chatted about our love of bakewell tart and the importance of decorations! The Crown of Beauty did look beautiful and with the very liberal spraying of gold dust it was shining. Well done Isaac, I hope you enjoyed eating the cake with your family.
Summer works
If you walk past the school during the summer you will see we are having a transformation. The school fencing is being replaced and when the children come back to school in September the school will look different from the outside! We are pleased the railings will now be covered and this is an important upgrade for the safeguarding of the children.
Sports week
In assembly today we awarded the Sports week prizes. Congratulations to Year 4 who won the year group REFSECT award for their sportsmanship. The overall winners of sports week were Red House. They are going home with their medals today. Well done Red House!
House Points
The house points competition was very competitive this year. Congratulation to Green House- winners (1635 points)
2nd- Yellow House (1625 points)
3rd- Blue House (1580 points)
4th-Red House (1573 points)
Green House enjoyed an extra long playtime today.
During the year we have introduced the children to the Links Values. These values are discussed, reflected upon and most importantly displayed and celebrated by the children at Links. In assembly today one child from each class was awarded a values certificate for how they have displayed the Links Values across the year. Congratulations to:
Nursery am- Akshayan Nursery pm- Maham Nursery FT- Polly Rainbow- Khadija Sunshine-Aaira 1EJ-Linusan 1W-Harriet
2MN- Thishanth 2D-Ben 3M-Elsie 3B-Anthony 4C-Maja 4M-Hibba 5NT-Tushar 5P-Jaziba
At yesterday’s Year 6 celebration afternoon we presented Values Awards to the Year 6 child who had consistently displayed each value during their time at Links.
Congratulations to all the Year 6 children and a special congratulations to the following children who were awarded the Year 6 values awards:
Respect- Izzy
Responsibility- Annaya
Happiness- Matteo Kindness- Matteusz Determination- Diego Pride- Ronnie
Well done to every child at Links. We are so proud of how you have all displayed respect, responsibility, kindness, happiness, determination and pride.
Thank you
On the last day of term I want to say thank you to you, our families for trusting us with your children each day. We love watching them learn, grow and develop into happy, confident learners. It is an absolute privilege to teach your wonderful children- thank you.
This my last Links News, it has been my honour to be your Headteacher. The staff at Links are the kindest, most child-centred staff I have ever known. I leave my role as Headteacher knowing that Mr. Matravers, along with Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Anderson and all the Links team will continue to ensure the Links children receive the wonderful education and childhood every child deserves.
Thanks for all the support you have given me over the last eleven years. Links will always be a special place to me. I’ll remember the laughter, the smiles and the cheery hellos. Most of all I’ll remember the happiness I see in the children. At the end of the day, that’s what matters.
Have a fantastic summer, With warmest wishes, Ciara