Links News
Friday 22nd March 2024
Dear Links Families,
This week at Links we have continued with our artistic flair! Year 2 has recreated Piet Mondrian’s angular art. Year 1 created a flower collage using different coloured magazine pages. Year 4 created Viking Longhouses in DT using a range of materials. We would like to thank all those families who donated materials to support this project. Miss Thurlow and Miss Meara are very grateful to the Links community.
This week, we welcomed our new nursery children and parents to their first stay and play session. We are very proud of our nursery and still have places available. If you have any questions regarding nursery places, please speak to Niki in the school office.
It was lovely to see all the little ones at Little Links toddler session this week. We are very grateful to Sophie and Raphel, who run the group. Just a reminder; it is on every Tuesday morning, 9:00am- 10:15am and is for parents and their children aged up to 4. Come and join us for a play, sing song and coffee!
End of Term Arrangements
Just a reminder that school will be closing for the Easter Holidays on Thursday 28th March at 1:30pm. There will be no after school club on this day. Links Nursery will close on Wednesday 27th March at the usual time. School will reopen for all children on Monday 15th April 2024.
MUFTI Day and Easter Egg Tombola
Don’t forget that next Thursday, 28th March, will be a non-uniform day. Instead of a money donation, we are asking for donations of Easter eggs and Easter chocolates, as the PTA will be holding an Easter Egg Tombola, after school on Thursday 28th March at 1:30pm.
Don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets!
The PTA Raffle is back with lots of fabulous prizes.
Tickets are £2 and are available from our PTA Donation page on ParentPay now: . Just write 'Raffle' in the reference section and don't forget to tick 'Gift Aid' if you are a tax payer!
Links Values Award
Our Links Value this half term is Happiness.
This week’s Values Awards go to:
- Nursery - Saparisa for always being so kind and caring to her friends and teachers!
- Rainbow - Giuseppe for being kind and helping his friends on our trip to the farm.
- Sunshine - Ilyaas for being kind and caring to your class!
- 1EJ - Samuel for showing determination when creating a collage in Art.
- 1W - Dominic for his enthusiasm and focus in Art and DT during STEM work.
- 2B - Sulaiman for staying focused in class and realising how important it is to succeed in his learning.
- 2T - Azaan for making so much progress in phonics.
- 3B - Filip for his positive, happy attitude every day!
- 3P - Eden-Rose for great effort in all her learning this week.
- 4M - Levi for demonstrating kindness and empathy to others.
- 4T - Aliza for always being a ray of sunshine and also being really resilient with her assessments this week.
- 5M - Ariana for always being kind and caring.
- 5KG - Max for working hard and being resilient when facing challenges.
- 6G - Dereck for great whiteboard work in mathematics.
- 6M - Zayn for all his great contributions and collaborative work.
Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!
House Points
Yellow House are still in the lead. But, next week we will announce this term’s winning house who will receive the extra long playtime. All teams are in with a chance of winning!
As of this week, the totals are…
Yellow House - 6411
Green House - 6350
Red House - 6210
Blue House - 6208
Weekly Attendance
This week’s attendance figures for each class are:
- Rainbow - 89.6%
- Sunshine - 94.6%
- 1EJ - 95.5%
- 1W - 92.5%
- 2B - 97.8%
- 2T - 100%
- 3B - 94%
- 3P - 95.5%
- 4M - 96.9%
- 4T - 96.1%
- 5KG - 98%
- 5M - 97.7%
- 6G - 95.3%
- 6M - 94 %
Congratulations to 2T who achieved the highest attendance this week, with an amazing 100%
Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in Year 2, where he will be learning about measurement in Maths.
This week’s 95% tickets go to 1EJ, 2B, 2T, 3P, 4M, 4T, 5KG, 5M and 6G. Next week, we will draw the 95% winning ticket and the winning class will receive a special treat!
Have a lovely weekend
Natalie, Vicki and the Links Team