Links Primary School

Friday 23rd February 2024

Dear Links Families,

There has been a buzz of excitement around the school this week, with the children being introduced to their new topics. Mini Beasts in the Early Years, to learning about about Tooting, Italy, the continents in Years 1,2 and 3. Our older children will be stepping into History, learning about the Vikings and the journey of the HMS Beagle. 

Yesterday, we had a visit from our Merton Education Partner and his team. They visited classrooms and spoke with several children. The team commented on how impressed they were with the children’s behaviour and community feel of the school. We were very proud of the children and how they are becoming young citizens.

This week, we found out that two of our pupils were shortlisted for a writing competition. A special well done to Ahmed and Cherry in Year 6, who had to write a story about a monster in 100 words. Both stories will be added to the book ‘Crazy Creatures’. We are very excited to be receiving a copy of this book for our school library.


World Book Day 

We will be celebrating World Book Day at Links on Thursday 7th March 2024! We will have a week full of fun reading activities (including an Author Visit, Story Swap and more!), promoting pleasure for reading. We will have TWO competitions for everyone to join in with - Reading In Unusual Places and Story in a Shoebox (posters attached)! Children are welcome to dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday 7th March - please do not feel the need to buy any new costumes, home made are best!

Bikes and Scooters

Just a gentle reminder to parents of children who come to school on bikes and scooters. Please ensure your child does not ride them on the playground and that they must walk them out of the school gate. All bikes and scooters are left on site, as your own risk. Remember to label your bike, scooter and helmets to avoid confusion, as many look similar. 


Links Values Award

Our Links Value this half term in happiness. We believe education is about happiness. Of course, we want children to be happy at school but we also strive to ensure they are provided with the foundations that will enable them to build happy, fulfilled lives.


This week’s Values Awards go to; 

  • Nursery - Diljaan for trying his best and doing a superb job at writing his name.
  • Rainbow - Lukas for your enthusiasm and kindness in class. 
  • Sunshine - Enarah Nazir - For showing care and kindness to all of us in Sunshine Class!
  • 1EJ- Eva M for using maths language in her explanations.
  • 1W- Safiyah for always being kind and caring towards others. 
  • 2B- Kaelen for his fantastic contribution to English and Geography lessons this week. 
  • 2T - Chase for enthusiastic and interesting contributions to class discussions.
  • 3B- Isaac for a brilliant start to the new term.
  • 3P- Harlem for showing pride and enthusiasm in his writing.
  • 4M - Hyrije for demonstrating pride in her science work and showing kindness to others.
  •  4T -  Ahmed for always being happy and trying really hard with his work.
  • 5KG- Zakariya for having the confidence to speak about his learning and pride in his work.
  • 5M- Haofei for working extremely hard on his phonics. 
  • 6G- Aadam for great progress in his reading comprehension.
  • 6M - Fynn for great determination to complete all his work to a high standard.


Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!

House Points

The competition is back on and the children are eager to collect lots of house points. 

As of this week the totals are: 

Yellow House - 5338

Green House - 5311

Red House - 5140

Blue House - 5037


Weekly Attendance 

This week’s attendance figures for each class are:

  • Rainbow - 91.5%
  • Sunshine - 94.2%
  • 1EJ - 92.4%
  • 1W - 91.7%
  • 2B - 92.8%
  • 2T - 93.9%
  • 3B - 94.3%
  • 3P - 95.2%
  • 4M - 93.1%
  • 4T - 98.2%  
  • 5KG - 90.7%
  • 5M - 90.9%
  • 6G - 96.7%
  • 6M  - 95.2 %   


Congratulations to 4T who achieved the highest attendance this week. Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in Year 4, learning about their new topic ‘The Vikings’.


This week’s 95% tickets go to 3P, 4T, 6G and 6M. All classes with a weekly attendance of 95% or more will receive a raffle ticket. 


It is important that your child comes to school every day. Every day they miss, they miss important learning, which they need to progress in lessons. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. 


Natalie, Vicki and the Links Team