Friday 24th November, 2023
Dear Links Families,
We hope you and your families are well. As you know we have held one of our training days where staff have been working on a number of school priorities for this year, including children's writing, provision for children with special educational needs and with English as an additional language.
We're excited to launch our Links Primary School PTA Donations Page. It can be shared with family and friends as you don't need a ParentPay account to use it. Just make your donation and make a note of what it is for (ie. raffle tickets, Christmas Tree etc) and remember to tick the Gift Aid box. That way, the PTA will get 25% more!
We look forward to seeing all the children back on Monday as we start the run up to Christmas.
Please see below for our Christmas dates, we are looking forward to seeing you at these special events in the next couple of weeks. Individual letters will be sent out to relevant classes regarding performances.
Christmas Dates
Friday 1st December - MUFTI Day- Children to wear their own clothes and bring in some Christmas chocolates and sweets e.g. selections boxes, chocolate Santa, coins, chocolate cakes (shop bought), candy canes etc.
Friday 8th December – Year 1 Christmas performance to parents. (9am coffee in the hall and show starts at 9:30am)
Friday 8th December – Christmas Fair 3:30pm-5:00pm. Join us for festive fun! There will be a soft toy and chocolate tombola, a lucky dip, refreshments plus much more and a chance to meet Santa himself!
Monday 11th December - Performing Arts Club Performance (for Performing Arts Club parents only)
Tuesday 12th December - Choir performance to parents (for Choir parents only)
Wednesday 13th December - Year 5 Panto performance to parents at 5pm.
Friday 15th December - EYFS Christmas Sing Song performance to parents (9am coffee in the hall and show starts at 9:30am )
Wednesday 20th December – Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas School Dinner and Christmas parties.
Christmas/ Winter Themed Cards Reminder
Just a reminder that all orders need to be completed online by Sunday 3rd December. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
School Photographs
The School Photographers were in school on Thursday and took individual and family group photos. The children have brought home an index card with a QR code so that you can see the photos and make your order online. The photos should be available to see by Monday 27th Nov.
Friday 1st December will be a MUFTI day to raise donations for the school Christmas Fair. Please bring in a box of chocolates, bag of sweets, Christmas themed boxed cake etc or a soft toy (clean and in good condition).
Links Values Award
This week’s Values Awards go to;
Nursery - Dheerah for learning new words in English and trying his best!
Rainbow - Omer for always lighting up the room
Sunshine - Logan For always being positive with all of your learning!
1EJ- Samreen for showing pride in her independent Science work.
1W- Aparnan for resilience in English. Aparnan has been trying really hard to write sentences, using some punctuation and adjectives.
2B- Merihan for her continuous enthusiasm towards learning and encouraging other to learn too
2T- Julian for creating powerful sentences in English.
3B- Hasan for working hard to improve his handwriting.
3P- Krupa for always showing kindness and support to everyone
4M - Leah resilience in maths and making progress
4T - Aksharasai for always modelling the school values.
5KG- Elsie for always showing respect to others.
5M- Amelie for sharing happiness with her enthusiastic singing
6G- Dominic for his amazing artwork this week.
6M - Anas for a noticeable improvement in presentation and output in his learning this week.
Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!
House Points
Congratulations to Red House who have maintained their lead.
Red - 2537
Blue - 2490
Yellow - 2479
Green - 2153
Weekly Attendance
Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class.
Rainbow - 96.7%
Sunshine - 84.8%
1EJ - 94%
1W - 93.8%
2B - 92.7%
2T - 93.2%
3B - 91.4%
3P - 95.8%
4M - 93.8%
4T - 88.2%
5KG - 93%
5M - 97.7%
6G - 88%
6M - 88.8%
Congratulations to Bumblebees in Nursery who achieved an amazing 100% attendance this week. Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in the nursery, learning about autumn.
Have a lovely weekend and wrap warm!
The Links Team