Links Primary School

Links News - 27th January 2023

Dear Links families,


It’s been another busy week at Links.


Merton Mayor

Today, as part of National Education Day the school council representatives from Years 4, 5 and 6 visited the Civic Centre in Morden. During the visit they were led on a tour of the building by the Mayor of Merton, Cllr. Joan Henry and her team. We listened to presentations from council members and had tea in the Mayor's Parlour. 


Industrial Action

Yesterday, I sent an email to all parents to inform you that the school will be closed to all children next Wednesday, 1st February due to industrial action. This includes breakfast and after school clubs and also any activity clubs that are due to take place. As I said in my email yesterday, it is never an easy decision to take strike action and we all hope that the government will listen and respond accordingly before the proposed dates in March.


Student Teachers

Here at Links, we have a proud tradition of working with teacher training providers to support trainee teachers by offering placements. We currently work with two training providers, Sutton SCITT and Kingston University.

At the moment, we have two trainees from Sutton SCITT in school, Miss Belaid in 1P and Miss Allen in 2T. They will be with us for most of the remaining school year. Do give them a wave if you see them in the playground!

Earlier this week we were happy to welcome a group of trainee teachers from Kingston University for some more focused training. They attended sessions led by Miss D’Silva and Mrs Murray and observed and helped out in the classrooms. This was the first time we’ve been able to do this in three years and it was lovely to be able to have them into school.


This week’s attendance

There’s been a bit of a dip in attendance this week, and only three classes have made it to 95%. I know I say it a lot, but it’s so important that children are in school every day. There will, of course, be times when children are too unwell to come to school but if they only have mild symptoms and feel well enough to attend, please do send them in. We will always call you if they get worse and need to go home.


Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class:

  • Morning Nursery- 78.4%
  • Afternoon Nursery- 76.9%
  • Full-time Nursery- 87.8%
  • Rainbow- 91.5%
  • Sunshine- 81.7%
  • 1EJ- 88.6%
  • 1P- 95.7%
  • 2B- 92.4%
  • 2T- 94.7%
  • 3B- 96%
  • 3P- 94.6%
  • 4M- 94.5%
  • 4T- 91.7%
  • 5D- 91%
  • 5KT- 92.64%
  • 6G- 96.7%
  • 6M- 86.7%


Well done to 6G, who will be looking after Lincoln the bear for the next week.


Absence Reporting

Earlier this week, we started using a new system for reporting children’s absence called Studybugs. This is a really easy to use website or app that can be downloaded to your iPhone or Android phone. This is linked straight to our register system and updates it as soon as you report your child’s absence. From now on, this is our preferred method for you to report your child’s absence. If you haven’t already done so, please register on the website or download the app. If you have any questions, please speak to the school office.

It’s really important that you inform us if your child is absent from school for any reason. If you do not let us know why they are not in school, their absence will be unauthorised.


Values Awards

Well done to Yusuf in 2T and Shyal in 3B for being awarded a values award this week. We are proud of you both!


Extended Services

Bookings are open for this half term for breakfast and after school club. If you would like to book a place, please complete this form. Please note that all booked places will be charged for.


House Points

Well done to Yellow house, who have maintained the lead for this week. It’s a close competition though. 

  • Yellow- 2553
  • Red- 2537
  • Green- 2456
  • Blue- 2453


NSPCC Number Day

Next Friday, 3rd February, we will be taking part in NSPCC Number Day to support vital services such as Childline. Children are invited to wear anything with a number on it. If you are in a position to do so, we would welcome any donations, which can be given to your child’s teacher on the day. Year 6 will be taking part on Monday 6th February as they are on a trip on Friday.


Class Photos

Next Thursday, 2nd February, the photographers will be in school to take this year’s class photos. Please make sure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform on this day. If your child is due to have a PE lesson on this day, please send them to school with a pair of trainers to change into.


Have a lovely weekend,


Lee and the Links Team