Links Primary School

Links News - 2nd February 2024

Friday 2nd February 2024

Dear Links Families,

This week 5KG were lucky enough to visit Reeds School in Cobham where they took part in the Launch Car project, giving them the opportunity to develop their design and technology skills. On Thursday Year 6 visited the Science Museum to learn more about electricity and look at the other exhibitions.  These trips really enhance the curriculum and the work the children do in school and it is a great opportunity for them to see their work in action.  On a sporting front, a group of year 3 and 4 children attended a football festival while some year 5 and 6 children went to a netball festival, it has certainly been a busy week!

Just a note to say to say, that we will not be allowing football cards into school. Over the past few weeks, we have had many issues regarding them and would like them to remain at home. Please support us with implementing this by insuring your child doesn’t sneak them in. 

 NSPCC Number Day Friday 2nd February 2024 

Today we took part in Dress up for Digits for the NSPCC number day and it was lovely to see the children dressed up in something with numbers or patterns on it.   There were numbers everywhere!  The teachers planned a fun day of activities, including a scavenger hunt in the playground and each phase had a guess the number of objects in the jar activity.  Throughout the day the children had an opportunity to use a variety of maths skills from times tables to estimation.  Thank you for all the donations that you kindly sent in.  The NSPCC is an important charity and we are pleased to be able to support it.  So far we have raised £75.

Half Term and INSET day

Half term is Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February.  The school will be closed on Monday 19th of February as this is a staff INSET day.


Just a reminder that there will be no playscheme this half term. Playscheme will run as usual in the Easter holidays. Additional information can be found on the school website via the Extended Services tab

Links Values Award

 Our Links Values Award winners this week are;

  • Nursery - Khalief for his beautiful and detailed drawing of the characters from the story, 'Zog and the Flying Doctors'. 
  • Rainbow - Athaliah for always trying hard in her work and for being a resilient.
  • Sunshine - Alayna for your fantastic and caring attitude, in your learning.
  • 1EJ - Nathan for showing responsibility and pride, when leading the class survey for school council.
  • 1W-  Maham  for always showing respect and kindness, towards her friends.
  • 2B - Mustafa for his great focus and determination to complete his "Big" recount writing. 
  • 2T -  Lily for using phonics in her writing.
  • 2T - Klara for using powerful words when writing her story. 
  • 3B -  Rosa for some fantastic contributions to our class discussions.
  • 3P - Azra for always working hard and being focused.
  • 4M - Benjamin taking such pride in his work and demonstrating great resilience.
  • 4T - Noor for always being respectful and ready to learn in lessons.
  • 5KG - Ornella for always demonstrating all of the Links Values.
  • 5M - Safiya for always demonstrating our Links Values and always being kind to others.
  • 6G - Leah for fantastic effort in her spelling tests.
  • 6M - Tashfeen for being respectful and engaged in collaborative learning in the classroom and on our school trip.

Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!

House Points

Only one more week to go, until we  announce the winning house of this half term and find who gets the prize of the extra long playtime! 

This week’s house points results;

Green House - 4958

Yellow House - 4910

Red House - 4812

Blue House - 4682

Weekly Attendance 

This week’s attendance figures for each class are;

  • Rainbow - 92.4%
  • Sunshine - 92.4%
  • 1EJ - 96.6%
  • 1W - 88.8%
  • 2B - 97.8%
  • 2T - 97.7%
  • 3B - 94%
  • 3P - 94.6%
  • 4M - 97.9%
  • 4T - 95.8%  
  • 5KG - 91%
  • 5M -  81.8%
  • 6G - 95%
  • 6M  - 91.3 %   

Congratulations to 4M who achieved the highest attendance this week. Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in Year 4, learning even more about ‘Antarctica’ and visiting the BFI at the Southbank. 

This week’s 95% tickets go to 1EJ, 2B, 2T, 4M, 4T and 6G. All classes with a weekly attendance of 95% or more will receive a raffle ticket. Next Friday, we will be holding our 95% attendance raffle, where the winning class will receive a mystery surprise!

Wishing you a lovely weekend and a reminder that the last day of school, is Friday 9th February, at the normal time off 3:15pm.

Natalie, Vicki and the Links Team