Friday 8th December 2023
Dear Links Families,
This week’s Links News arrives to you a little later than usual. As we were having too much fun at the Christmas Fair. It was wonderful to see so many families there and a big thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising such a busy event. The PTA do such a wonderful job raising funds for the school and are always looking for parents to help with events.
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Year 1 performance of ‘Baarmy Bethlehem’ this morning. The children treated us to a vibrant and energetic performance with some great dancing, singing and acting. What a great way to start our Christmas season off. Thank you to all of you as parents who have supported the children and helped with kitting them out with a costume, and particular thanks to the Year 1 staff team who have worked extremely hard to produce such a fabulous performance.
Just to remind you that school will close for the Christmas period on Thursday 21st December at 1:30pm. There will be no after school club on this day. School will reopen to all classes on Monday 8th January.
New Nursery Children
Earlier today, It was great to see the children who will be joining us in Nursery in the New Year. The children seemed to settle in well and it gave the staff a good opportunity to meet the parents who will be joining us here at Links. We do still have a number of Nursery spaces available so if you or any of your friends are looking for a nursery for their children please encourage them to make contact with the school office.
Wimbledon Library Christmas Performances
It was such a shame that Year 2 and Reception were unable to attend the Christmas performances at Wimbledon Library due to illness among the cast. We hope that the Library will be able to rearrange the performances before the Christmas break. We’ll keep you informed.
Links Values Award
This week’s Values Awards go to;
- Nursery - Denys for always being kind and considerate to all of his friends.
- Rainbow - Areesh for great reading during guided reading.
- Sunshine - Andrii - for trying hard with his sounds, in Phonics.
- 1EJ- Tilliyah for incredible effort in learning her dance routine for the nativity.
- 1W- Polly and Miles for learning all of their lines and for being fantastic party sheep!
- 2B- Abdul for completing his work this week with a bright smile on his face!
- 2T - Max for working hard and staying focused in all lessons.
- 3B- Rosabela for being responsible in her new classroom role.
- 3P- Faryal for consistently showing the Links values at school and when on school trips.
- 4M - Aaron for demonstrating such determination to improve the quality of his work at school.
- 4T - Shivi for always being a fantastic contributor in lessons and for having amazing ideas.
- 5KG- Maria Raluca for demonstrating resilience in maths.
- 5M- Adeena for showing great resilience in the long multiplication method.
- 6G- Anusan for his unwavering support, dedication and maturity in all that he does.
- 6M - Aysha for excellent effort in all areas of her learning.
Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!
House Points
Congratulations to Yellow House who now have the highest amount of house points. However, the remaining houses are very close to taking the lead.
- Yellow - 2980
- Green - 2979
- Red - 2962
- Blue - 2955
Weekly Attendance
Last week we launched a new attendance initiative. Every week, all classes with an attendance of 95% or higher will receive a raffle ticket. At the end of the half term, one ticket will get selected at random. The winning class will receive a mystery treat such as, a movie and popcorn, hot chocolate tea party, a mini disco and more ideas to come with help from the childrens class reps.
This week 3B, 4M, 5M, 6M, 6G each received a raffle ticket.
Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class.
- Rainbow - 87.5%
- Sunshine - 89.1%
- 1EJ - 88.1%
- 1W - 93.8%
- 2B - 90.6%
- 2T - 89.8%
- 3B - 98.3%
- 3P -92.9%
- 4M -98.4%
- 4T - 93.4%
- 5KG - 88%
- 5M - 98.3%
- 6G - 96.1%
- 6M - 98.8%
Congratulations to 6M who achieved the highest attendance this week with 98.8%. Lincoln the Bear will be spending next week in the Year 6, learning about Rivers.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
The Links Team