Links News 9th September 2022
Dear Links families,
Welcome back to a new school year. Today, our thoughts turn to the Royal Family as they, and many of us, mourn the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Our assembly today focused on celebrating her life and how she embodied our school values. I know that many of the children were keen to share their thoughts and feelings about her passing and will have had the chance to do so in their classrooms. We will be opening a book of condolence that the children and families will be able to add their messages to in the coming week. I will send out more details about this on Monday.
It has been lovely to see all of the children catching up with their friends and getting back into the school routine. During the week I’ve been into all of the classrooms to find out about what the children are learning and what they are looking forward to this academic year.
This is my first Links News as Acting Headteacher and I want to say how much of a privilege it is to lead such a wonderful school community. I also want to take this opportunity to welcome all of the new families who have joined Links. I am regularly in the playground before and after school, along with Vicki Murray and Natalie Anderson, the Acting Deputy Heads, and we look forward to getting to know you all.
Staff News
Every year we welcome new members of staff to the Links team. Joining our Senior Leadership team is Mrs. Laura Trounce, who has joined us as a Year 2 teacher and is also our new phase leader for Years 1, 2 and 3 and English lead. We have also welcomed Miss Emily Potter in Year 1, Miss Elly Brown in Year 3, Miss Poppy Thurlow in Year 4 and Miss Harriet Maxwell in Year 6. Two new members of support staff have also joined us: Mrs. Bindi Dhanani and Ms. Tetiana Avierina.
We welcome back two members of teaching staff- Miss Shiree Kadiwal, who is teaching in Year 5 and Miss Sarah Wood, our Nursery teacher
We have also been joined by a new PE coach, Miss Cardisha Dalphinis, and two new music teachers, Miss Helena Hafsteinsdottir and Mr Souleymane Compo.
Finally, during the summer holidays, we heard the lovely news that Miss Marcelo had a beautiful baby girl. I’m sure you’ll all join me in passing on our congratulations.
Extended Services
We are delighted to welcome Raphel Spencer back to the Links Extended Services Team. Raphel has been a part of the Links family since he was a pupil at the school. We know he, along with the rest of the Links team will continue to provide the children of Links with the high level of care and nurture they have always received through our Extended Services. Please remember Extended Services must be booked. They can be booked through this form. All booked places will be charged for.
No nuts
As we start a new school year, this is just a reminder that children must not have any products containing nuts in packed lunches as we have a number of children with severe allergies in school.
End of day procedures
I know it can be frustrating waiting for your children at the end of the school day, but please be patient with us. As your child's teacher gets to know you and the children it will become much quicker.
Meet the Teacher
This month your child’s class teacher will be hosting a welcome meeting where they will be sharing information about what your child will be learning this year and other key information. This is a lovely opportunity to have a coffee and meet other parents in your child’s year group, as well as ask any questions you may have. Please arrive at 9am via the Extended Services entrance.
Year 1- Monday 19th September at 9:00am
Year 2- Wednesday 21st September at 9:00am
Year 3- Friday 23rd September at 9:00am
Year 4- Monday 26th September at 9:00am
Year 5- Friday 30th September at 9:00am
Year 6- Wednesday 27th September at 9:00am
Have a lovely weekend.
Lee and the Links Team