Friday 17th November 2023
Dear Links Families,
Today was awash with SPOTcular clothing, to raise money for Children in Need. This morning in assembly we spoke about how this charity helps children in the UK and spoke about showing kindness to others. Thank you for your contributions and for supporting this invaluable charity, we raised £205!
This week 3B and 5KG visited Mitcham Library and today some children from Key Stage 2 attended a Kurling and Sit Down Volleyball competition with Coach Cardisha.
Just a reminder that school will be closed next Friday, 24th November for staff training.
School Photos
On Wednesday and Thursday next week, the school photographer will be taking individual, family group and class photos. Please ensure that your child is wearing their school uniform on these days.
Book Fair
Book Fair will be open in the Bottom Hall every day next week from 3pm - 3.30pm. Come along and make a start on your Christmas shopping!
We now take payments by cash or card at the fair or online. To pay online just click on the following link:
Christmas/ Winter Themed Cards Reminder
Just a reminder that all orders need to be completed online by Sunday 3rd December. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
PTA Notices
The PTA are taking orders for Christmas Trees now. Just go to your account and place your order before 22nd November.
Due to the huge success of the advertising boards for our summer social Aspire Estate Agents have kindly agreed to sponsor our upcoming Christmas Fair. We raised nearly £1000 for the school advertising the summer fair. For every home that agrees to have a board advertising the Christmas Fair outside their property the PTA will receive £20 - such an easy way to raise money for the school and costs you nothing!
The company will put the boards up 2 weeks before the Christmas Fair and take them back down the week after the event. Please use this link to sign up to this amazing opportunity
Friday 1st December will be a MUFTI day to raise donations for the school Christmas Fair. Please bring in Selection boxes, a box of chocolates, bags of sweets, Christmas themed boxed cakes etc or a soft toy (clean and in good condition).
Come and join us at the Christmas Fair in the bottom hall on Friday 8th December 3pm-5pm!
Any questions please contact the PTA at
Links Values Award
This week’s Values Awards go to;
Nursery - Taqwa for making great effort in her Phonics lessons.
Rainbow - Lucy for being a resilient learner.
Sunshine - King for trying so hard with all of your learning this week, but especially hard in your phonics writing!
1EJ- Tomasz for being a superstar performer, when practising the Year 1 Nativity.
1W- Antoine for improving his behaviour and trying really heard with his learning.
2B- Alex for his determination in learning new maths concepts.
2T- Amelie for being a resilience learner.
2T- Azhaar for working hard on her reading.
3B- Lily for demonstrating resilience towards her learning.
3P- Vallentina for demonstrating resilience in maths.
4M - Elsa for always demonstrating a happy disposition and kindness to others.
4T - Zara for always being happy and showing kindness to all.
5KG- Usman for his resilience and teamwork when rehearsing the Year 5 Panto.
5M- Ameria for working hard and making good choices.
6G- Rayan for great improvement to his handwriting.
6M - Martha B for excellent focus and perseverance.
Well done for demonstrating our Links Values. We are very proud of you all!
House Points
Congratulations to Red House who have taken the lead!
Red - 2301
Blue - 2267
Yellow - 2256
Green - 2153
Weekly Attendance
Here are this week’s attendance figures for each class.
Rainbow - 91.8%
Sunshine - 85.9%
1EJ - 80.4%
1W - 90%
2B - 97.9%
2T - 96%
3B - 94.4%
3P - 96.7%
4M - 85.4%
4T - 100%
5KG - 96.5%
5M - 93.8%
6G - 98.7%
6M - 96.3%
Congratulations to 4T who achieved an amazing 100% attendance this week. Lincoln the Bear, will be spending next week in Year 4 reading the book, 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
Have a lovely weekend and wrap up warm!
The Links Team